Livio Pastorino

Peruvian spirits

In Peru, we have a great variety of high-quality spirits that don't reach the markets, especially in Lima. We seek to evaluate quality so that producers can improve their processes. […]

Our native grape

There is no doubt that Quebranta grape was born in Ica. According to the book by journalist Master of Wine Jancis M. Robinson "A complete guide to 1368 grape varieties, including their origins and flavors", […]

Pisco and its Contests "Pisco Sour"

Another activity during the celebration of our flag cocktail on the first Saturday of February are the contests, in which I have had the honor to participate as a judge. Several aspects are judged in these events: […]

Contests: Codes & Results

Some time ago, I was at a coordination meeting for judges at a National Pisco Contest, with the presence of the president, the tasting director, and the observer from the International Organization of Vine and Wine (OIV), of which Peru is a member. I asked the observer a question: […]

In the land of Pisco... Pisco Sour Day

Another important day for Pisco during the year that, by mistake, I didn't include in my previous article. It would be number 8 on the list. It goes like this: on October 18th, 2007, through National Directive Resolution No. 1180/INC, the National Institute of Culture, today, […]

Arequipa "Pisco Region"

During one of my visits to Arequipa, I was surprised to find spirits made from Quebranta grape pomace, as well as an Arequipan Grappa. Grappa is a pomace brandy made in Italy. […]

Pisco's Current Status

Pisco exports, according to magazine (Dec 11, 2023), were projected to reach US$ 10.5 million; however, those in 2022 reached US$ 11.4 million. Regarding liters exported in 2023, […]

Moquegua: Wine Valley

I begin this article by sharing some information that I have received regarding the internal consumption of pisco. It is said that it's only ½ liter per capita per year in Peru. […]

In the land of Pisco... Using our senses

Tasting Pisco is a challenge to our senses, as we have mentioned before. We concentrate on identifying, subjectively, the virtues or defects of our Pisco through its aroma and taste. […]