Livio Pastorino

Tasting Courses, Training, and Talks in Madrid

Sommelier, specialist and Pisco taster

Tasting courses in Madrid

pisco, distillates, wine ...

training, events, talks

pisco, spirits, liqueurs ...

Sample tasting

pisco, distillates, spirits...

Livio Pastorino

More than 20 years of experience

Livio Pastorino, a prominent pisco taster catador de pisco, is a benchmark in the world of tasting this emblematic Peruvian drink. With experience spanning decades, Pastorino has perfected his palate to discover the most subtle nuances in each glass of pisco, contributing significantly to the international recognition of the most select piscos. His passion for pisco and his dedication to this art form are manifested in his ability to accurately describe the aromas, flavors and characteristics of this spirit. Livio Pastorino embodies excellence in pisco tasting and is an influential figure in its promotion worldwide,


Tasting courses

Explore the world of distillates, spirits and pisco with an expert taster,, Livio Pastorino. Our exclusive courses allow you to learn from this master in tastings of pisco and other distilled beverages. Discover the rich history and nuances of these iconic drinks. Whether you are a beginner or an expert, this is a unique opportunity to learn from one of the best tasters in the world.Join us and enjoy an educational and delicious journey into the world of spirits and pisco.

Training, events, talks

Livio Pastorino is a reference in the world of spirits and pisco, and offers events, training courses and talks captivating for enthusiasts and professionals. His events are unforgettable experiences, where participants discover the magic behind these drinks. He offers high level training courses, sharing his vast knowledge and tasting techniques.His talks and presentations illuminate the history and culture of distillates. Whether you are passionate or a professional seeking improvement, Livio Pastorino will guide you on an educational and delicious journey into the world of distillates and macerates.

Sample tasting

Livio Pastorino, a respected taster, offers an exceptional sample tasting service. His experience covers a wide range of spirits, from pisco to vodka, gin, pomace and whiskey. Through this service, Livio Pastorino guides participants through a sensory immersion in these drinks. Each session is a unique opportunity to discover the nuances and secrets behind each distillate, exploring its history and craftsmanship. Whether you are a curious enthusiast or a professional seeking improvement, sample tasting service with Livio Pastorino will take you on an educational and delicious journey through the world of spirits.


Read the latest publications in Livio Pastorino's Blog

First Sample Syndrome

I am sure that all tasters in pisco competitions often experience the first sample syndrome. This sample is taken at random, not necessarily following the numerical correlation, […]
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New Testimonies About Pisco

An excellent piece of news we received in May was the discovery of two documents by archivist Julio Hernández of the National Archives, […]
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Beyond the Scores

We have resumed the blind tastings of Tasting Nights with Pisco belonging to the Peruvian Association of Tasters (ASPERCAT). Since 2008, we have conducted this activity, with over 1000 piscos tasted to date, and we are nearing... […]
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Following the Footsteps of Pisco

Every time I read "Artisanal Pisco" on a label, I'm transported back to the moment when I participated in the Vendimia festival. We were about to harvest our first Pisco grapes grown in the Villacuri valley 40 km before Ica city. […]
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Adding value to Pisco

After learning that the average price of Pisco abroad is US$ 7.50 per liter, I can affirm that it is below the quality offered by our flagship distilled spirit. […]
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Pisco: a story to tell

"The dark-skinned man could be heard saying, 'Watercress water!, snow water!, fortunes!' as he walked around the bullring offering the grape spirit 'caleta' (sneaky, in secret)." […]
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Tasting in Nazca

I participated in the XX Meeting of Producers and Pisco Nazca 2022 Contest. Since 2011, I have been a taster at the event organized by Mr. Alan Watkin. […]
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Something about the D.O. Pisco

While talking to my friends, they asked me about the Denomination of Origin (D.O.) Pisco, and I reminded them the definition of Denomination of Origin: […]
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Pisquero's Talk at Zoom

A few days ago, I was on a Zoom call with some friends who are also pisco enthusiasts. We discussed how the pandemic has affected pisco producers and what suggestions we could offer to improve the consumption of our National Cultural Heritage distilled beverage. […]
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Pisco Regions

We all know that our Pisco is included within a Appelation of Origin, which is limited to 5 coastal regions of Peru: Lima, Tacna, Arequipa, Moquegua, and Ica. From 0 to 2000 meters above sea level, […]
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Peruvian spirits

In Peru, we have a great variety of high-quality spirits that don't reach the markets, especially in Lima. We seek to evaluate quality so that producers can improve their processes. […]
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Our native grape

There is no doubt that Quebranta grape was born in Ica. According to the book by journalist Master of Wine Jancis M. Robinson "A complete guide to 1368 grape varieties, including their origins and flavors", […]
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Pisco and its Contests "Pisco Sour"

Another activity during the celebration of our flag cocktail on the first Saturday of February are the contests, in which I have had the honor to participate as a judge. Several aspects are judged in these events: […]
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Contests: Codes & Results

Some time ago, I was at a coordination meeting for judges at a National Pisco Contest, with the presence of the president, the tasting director, and the observer from the International Organization of Vine and Wine (OIV), of which Peru is a member. I asked the observer a question: […]
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In the land of Pisco... Pisco Sour Day

Another important day for Pisco during the year that, by mistake, I didn't include in my previous article. It would be number 8 on the list. It goes like this: on October 18th, 2007, through National Directive Resolution No. 1180/INC, the National Institute of Culture, today, […]
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Arequipa "Pisco Region"

During one of my visits to Arequipa, I was surprised to find spirits made from Quebranta grape pomace, as well as an Arequipan Grappa. Grappa is a pomace brandy made in Italy. […]
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In the land of Pisco... Mosto & Yema

In the current Appelation of Origin Pisco regulations from February 2011, there is no type of Pisco called Mosto & Yema. However, […]
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Pisco's Current Status

Pisco exports, according to magazine (Dec 11, 2023), were projected to reach US$ 10.5 million; however, those in 2022 reached US$ 11.4 million. Regarding liters exported in 2023, […]
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Moquegua: Wine Valley

I begin this article by sharing some information that I have received regarding the internal consumption of pisco. It is said that it's only ½ liter per capita per year in Peru. […]
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In the land of Pisco... Using our senses

Tasting Pisco is a challenge to our senses, as we have mentioned before. We concentrate on identifying, subjectively, the virtues or defects of our Pisco through its aroma and taste. […]
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Tacna: Pisco Region

A while ago, I met a reader of my pisco newsletter, from Arica, Chile, who always joked around. "Pisco is not from Peru," he would say, followed by a laugh. Then he would apologize and tell the affection he had for Tacna. […]
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"Taster's trade" In the land of Pisco...

It's said that the Roman Emperor Marck Antony always had a food taster by his side, so I went to look for information and found this story I share with you, an example of a food taster doing his job. […]
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Una historia acholada (A Blended Story)

I'd like to share some memories of how I got into pisco. Most Italians who arrived in Peru substituted grappa, an Italian pomace brandy, for pisco. […]
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Legends of the vineyards

One of the most important phases in grape cultivation occurs after the harvest. The vineyards go through what we call "vegetative rest"; the vine loses its leaves and only the woody part remains. […]
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Accumulators of Experiences

It is said that tasters are accumulators of experiences and they are not wrong. We are always looking for new sources of aromas and flavors to gather the most information in our olfactory memory about different products, […]
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In the land of Pisco... Tasters (Mojoneros) on course

The appointments of tasters (expert or newer), that's, the titles that differentiate expert tasters from those with less experience, are a pending issue to be resolved. […]
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Two different spirits

I have been asked several times about the difference between pisco and the spirit produced in Chile. I won't discuss the issue of pisco's Peruvian origin, as I consider that matter settled. […]
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In the land of Pisco... What is artisanal Pisco?

It's often heard that artisanal Pisco is sold, but what does that mean? We understand that this term refers to products made with traditional or manual techniques, without any industrial intervention. […]
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Which pisco do I like the most?

Today I can tell you that it's difficult to know which pisco I like the most. I didn't used to think that way. I would go for Quebranta without looking at the others, until I discovered that each of the grape varieties used to make pisco has its own personality and characteristic. […]
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Tasting at Nazca XIX Pisco Producers Meeting "Pisco Contest 2021".

On Saturday, June 29th, we attended the XIX Pisco Producers Meeting 2021 in Nazca, the first contest held after the terrible pandemic we have had to live through. […]
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Spirits of the World

Last week, I was conducting a spirits tasting at the International Diploma in Marketing and Commercialization of Spirits at the Universidad Privada San Juan Bautista in Ica. I appreciate the opportunity. […]
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Tasting three Piscos

One of the activities that tasters carry out for wineries is to evaluate their Piscos. They send us their samples, we taste them and provide our opinion as consumers and judges, without giving a score. […]
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Between Pisco & Nazca

I received this lovely story and remembered that historian Lorenzo Huertas had mentioned it in one of his talks. Let's reminisce. Why was Pisco made in Peru? In the late 16th century, […]
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Evaluating Piscos

Two concepts that we often confuse are "tasting" & "sampling." Whereas the former is a technical analysis, the latter is more of a playful and educational experience […]
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Back To Basics

One of the most important topics in the Pisco tasting methodology course is the basic guide. It consists of three phases that are distributed according to one of our senses. It starts with sight (view): what do we perceive? […]
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A personal exercise

When we talk about grape descriptors, their aromatic profile or other indicators, some people unfamiliar with wine tasting wonder about the origin of that information: is there any technical support that confirms it? […]
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Tasting Talks

During a conversation among friends, the curious question arose of how tasters avoid getting drunk. I explained that tasters don't drink the evaluation sample in one go, as that's prohibited. Imagine what would happen! […]
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The Taster trade

According to historian Lorenzo Huertas in his book "Chronology of Wine and Pisco Production in Peru (1548-2010)," the craft of "wine tasting," or mojonería, (taster trade), has been present in Peru since the 16th century. In 1595, […]
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The Acholados (Blended)

Where does the word Acholado come from? There are several stories about it, but the one I like the most is from the great Pisco cocktail maker, Bartender Hans Hilburg. He mentions that […]
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Origin of Pisco

Whenever Pisco is mentioned, so is adulteration. This reminds me that it not only affects this distilled beverage but also many other alcoholic beverages. […]
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Let's talk about Pisco

With the Peruvian Tasters Association "ASPERCAT", we have held three "Let's Talk about Pisco" conversations through the Zoom platform. The first one was "Does Pisco improve with age?" […]
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Pisco Stories

Searching for information about Pisco on social media, I came across an interview on a local radio station just as they opened the lines for listeners to participate. I copied the participation of one of them who introduced himself as Rolando from Lima: […]
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something about our grapes and Pisco producing regions

We already know that according to the current regulations of the Pisco Appelation of Origin, Pisco can only be produced in Tacna, Moquegua, Arequipa, Ica & Lima. Additionally, our 8 Pisco grapes are: quebranta, mollar, negra criolla, uvina, italia, torontel, moscatel, and albilla. […]
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Official Taster or Expert Taster

In my Pisco tasting classes, some students ask me, "Professor, what are the requirements to be a Pisco taster and participate in contests?" […]
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Some highlights from the XXV National Pisco Contest

"A friend asked me, 'How is Pisco?' Pisco... as always, controversial, passionate, confrontational," to which I replied, "well... if it wasn't like that, it wouldn't be Pisco." Pure passion! […]
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From the land of pisco Cocktail Crafting with Pisco

Another of pisco's great strengths lies in its mixology; our flagship spirit is highly versatile. Let's take stock. […]
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In the land of Pisco cheap Pisco?

I was in a supermarket buying Pisco when I heard someone behind me say, "Please give me a cheap Pisco! I have a gathering at my house." At that moment, I felt goosebumps on my skin. Cheap Pisco? […]
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"The strength of Pisco lies in its quality."

While talking to a friend who imports Pisco in Vancouver, Canada, he mentioned how difficult it was for him to enter the market. The sale of alcoholic beverages in Canada is restricted, and licenses are granted by the government. […]
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In the land of Pisco, we reached Tasting No. 250

On Saturday, June 22nd, the Peruvian Association of Tasters held Tasting No. 250, remembering that blind tastings have been held twice a month since January 2008. All tastings are documented on the blog […]
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There are no good or bad tasters, there are trained tasters..."

I was talking with fellow taster friends about the possibility of including sommelier students who are taking the methodology of tasting and Pisco tasting course in the Pisco contests, […]
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Homologation of Tasting Judges, Pisco, Olive Oil

According to the International Olive Council "IOC," the three categories of olive oil are Extra Virgin, Virgin, and Lampante. Something that catches my attention is that for an oil to be considered Extra Virgin, it must not have any defects. […]
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some clarifications about tasters

One of the outstanding issues is that of Tasters. Since I started participating in Pisco tasting competitions in 2009, the only time we had a record of experts & newers Pisco tasters (correct me if I'm wrong) was when we were integrated into the Regulatory Council of the Pisco Appelation of Origin "CRDO-Pisco". […]
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Atypical Pisco?

Some time ago, during a national Pisco contest, a sample of amber-colored Pisco was presented. The table coordinator called the Director of Tasting to inform that this sample was outside the norm, atypical, and would not be evaluated. […]
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accompanying Pisco

While conversing with students in a Pisco tasting class, they asked me, "What should we pair with Pisco?" Initially, I responded with desserts, […]
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Pisco Italia aromas & balance

We were in a blind tasting evaluating Pisco Italia, and I must admit that when I first started consuming Pisco, Italia was not one of my favorites, but rather Quebranta. […]
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of tastings and associations of tasters

About three years ago, the Noches de Cata group (Tasting Evenings group), had a conversation with Jaime Marimon, who was then the President of the Regulatory Council of the Pisco Appelation of Origin "CRDO-Pisco". The talk was about our interest in creating a tasters association, […]
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In the land of Pisco... 10 years tasting Piscos!

Pisco tasting evenings (Noches de Cata con Pisco) celebrates 10 years tasting piscos. This is the phrase that characterizes us: "The main ingredient of pisco is honesty..." Mrs. Juanita Martínez, The Lady of Pisco. […]
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In the land of Pisco... "The Pisco Festivals"

Something that has always caught my attention about Pisco are all these events, fairs, and contests that take place throughout the year, especially in the Pisco-producing regions. […]
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Observations on the latest National Pisco Contest in Moquegua 2017

In August 2017, we were invited to taste at the XXIII National Pisco Contest in Moquegua. Over 340 samples of Pisco from the five Pisco-producing regions were evaluated in a blind tasting (coded samples) at eight tables, each consisting of seven tasters.
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Sudoliva and the First South American Olive Oil Contest Lima 2017

On September 13th, 14th, and 15th, the First South American Olive Oil Contest was held in Lima, organized by specialist Gianfranco Vargas Flores. […]
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Pisco, brandy, distilled, spirit, liquor, water of life, waterfire, firewater, eau de vie.

Regarding all this talk about brandies, distilled spirits, liquors, piscos, etc. that are exported to Chile, much is said, but the truth is that this has been happening for many years, and Chile is our most important buyer in the world and the largest consumer of pisco. […]
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Is pisco Uvina the most difficult to taste?

First of all, what is Uvina? According to the current Regulation of the Pisco Appelation of Origin: Uvina is a non-aromatic (less aromatic), grape variety for Pisco. Species: Vitis aestivalis M.- cinérea E. by Vitis vinifera L. Cultivation Area: Cultivation & production only limited to the districts of Lunahuana, Pacaran, and Zúñiga, in the province of Cañete, south of Lima region. […]
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In the land of Pisco... Bad Piscos, Good Piscos?

I was listening various radio and TV programs during the celebrations for the Chilcano de Pisco Week (January), and also Pisco Sour day, first Saturday in February, when the hosts said: "You know the drill! Get ready to prepare your Chilcano or Pisco Sour, but... make sure it's with a good Pisco." What did they mean by that? Are there bad Piscos? Who decides which Piscos are bad? […]
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Projections for Pisco

As lovers of Pisco, we have some goals that we would like Pisco to achieve. One of them is to make Pisco, gastronomy, and Peruvian wine a unified team. We want one of our Pisco cocktails to be the star, accompanied by a dish from our cuisine served with a wine from our land. Additionally, we want to see the best spirit in the world offered with dessert. It's time for this to become a custom in Peruvian restaurants. […]
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From the land of Pisco... "The secrets of tasting"

Something that really fascinates me is sitting in front of a glass of Pisco and having to evaluate it. Even though in national contest we don't know where the Pisco in front of us comes from (blind tastings), we are told the grape variety and type of Pisco. […]
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Is a taster born or made?

A question that I often ask my students when we start our tasting classes: Is a taster born or made? Does a taster need to have a specific career? Can a lawyer, economist, or doctor become a taster? Can a Pisco producer also be a taster and participate in national Pisco competitions? In this case, wouldn't they be judge and jury? […]
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More than 400 years "Los Mojoneros". (The Tasters).

On Monday, June 20 at the Institute of Wine and Pisco "idvip" we presented the Peruvian Taster Association "ASPERCAT", established in July 2015, this association was born with the sole purpose of the development and improvement of the profession of Taster in Peru. And as in all these wine events, history was the protagonist. […]
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modifying the regulations, Pisco Appellation of Origin Part 2

The working meeting in Ica was convened by Dr. Ray Meloni Garcia, Director of Distinctive Signs of (Indecopi), to discuss the proposal to modify the Regulations of Pisco Appellation of Origin, presented by the Regulatory Council of the Appellation of Origin.[…]
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modifying the Regulation of the Appelation of Origin Pisco.

I was invited to the Indecopi meeting (authority responsible for the implementation & enforcement of competition policies in Peru), on the new proposal to modify the Pisco Appellation of Origin Regulation, there are some important points in this modification that I would like to discuss: Is pisco a wine spirit or a grape spirit? This must be completely settled. Another point is imported yeasts, should producers used or not? […]
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In the land of Pisco... The aguapié

Some time ago we were on a trip with the tasters group of Noches de Cata to several Pisco regions, but the big surprise happened in Moquegua. We had been asked to do a guided tasting at the Moquegua Club that's is in main square. […]
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In the land of pisco... same message

Reading on social networks and especially on Facebook there is a group called Amigos de la Denominación de Origen Pisco, "Amigos..." I went to the dictionary to look up the definition of friends or friendship: "Personal, pure and disinterested affection, shared with another person, which is born and strengthened in the treatment". […]
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In the land of pisco... Tasting pisco, our Cultural Heritage (1613-2015).

During the week of July 08 to 12 we were convened as tasters to participate in the XXI National Pisco Contest in the city of Ica.[…]
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Talking about pisco

In a conversation with several master distillers, discussing different topics and at one point we asked if we should have a pisco type within the regulations between the wineries with more production, […]
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Do Piscos improve over time?

On March 15, 16 and 17 we were at the vertical tasting of Piscos convened by Eng. Juan Carlos Palma at the La Molina Agrarian University. It is the first time that work like this is carried out: samples were presented to us from 2003 to 2013, from the 5 pisco regions. […]
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From the land of Pisco... Experiences and Reflections

Another of the competitions in which I participated as a judge was the XX Expo Pisco Wong. We evaluated approximately 180 samples of pisco. I was assigned to table No. 04 in a group of 5 tasters. […]
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Tasting piscos and distillates

In recent months, we have been tasting high-quality piscos, distillates, and mistelas, as well as participating in pisco contests. I was particularly impressed by... [...]
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Tasting Piscos

It was a pleasure to take part in a pisco tasting event for export by a relatively new company, "Tierra del Pisco", led by Sebastián Tuesta, a Franco-Peruvian who is exporting high-quality pisco to Europe. [...]
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Livio Pastorino-catas-charlas

Savouring Pisco

They always say that Pisco is meant to be savored sip by sip, by kisses. There are beautiful stories about this national spirit. One of my favorites is about a president of Peru in the 1920s who would have a glass of Pisco every day after lunch, taking 40 minutes to finish it. [...]
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Do you have questions or need more information?

If you would like to get advice, collaboration or learn more about his experience in the pisco industry, don't hesitate to get in touch!