Livio Pastorino

Pisquero's Talk at Zoom

Cocktail Magazine edition No 53, grateful for the opportunity.

A few days ago, I was on a Zoom call with some friends who are also pisco enthusiasts. We discussed how the pandemic has affected pisco producers and what suggestions we could offer to improve the consumption of our National Cultural Heritage distilled beverage. They told me that many grape growers who don't produce pisco were eliminating their vineyards due to the economic situation, as the price they receive for pisco grapes doesn't cover their costs. Nowadays, it's more profitable to cultivate avocados, blueberries, table grapes, asparagus, pecans, & other export products. Business is business, but what can we do to encourage the cultivation of pisco grapes? One thing that gave me hope was the fact that some winemakers are now using these grapes to produce wine. This could stimulate grape cultivation and allow for the use of part of the production for pisco making. One thing leads to another.

Another topic we discussed was the alcohol content in pisco. According to current regulations, pisco must be produced with an alcohol content between 38% and 48% by volume. They asked me what I thought of piscos with an alcohol content of 40% or less. Personally, I prefer those with an alcohol content above 42%, but it's true that in the market, there are mostly those with 40% and abroad the average for similar spirits is 40% by volume. The trend is towards lower alcohol volume spirits. As I said, the regulation doesn't prohibit it. If this allows satisfying the demand & benefiting the producer, then welcome it. In my case, I will continue to consume those with 42% alcohol content.

The meeting became even more interesting when we discussed the consumption of pisco, which leans more towards mixology, especially abroad, where they use spirits with 40% or less alcohol content. We also talked about the consumption of pure (neat) pisco. We all agreed that it's very low, but that doesn't mean that it cannot increase soon. Let's be realistic: in Lima, it's mostly consumed in cocktails. How can we increase its consumption? By promoting the advantages of drinking it straight, especially the sensory experience. That is its strength.

Also it's important to mention how Mexicans promote the consumption of tequila in its natural state. For example, in all the videos of their rock bands, men & women consume it. They also take advantage of all the spaces to mention this beverage: media, social networks, movies, novels, series. I remember a talent show where the contestant repeated only "tequila" after the chorus in front of an audience of millions of viewers. There are many ways to promote it. Another could be to bring a bottle of pisco as a gift every time we travel. Before the pandemic, an average of 700,000 Peruvians traveled abroad. Imagine if each of them brought a bottle to support our producers.

Of course, we also talked about tasting. They told me that some pisco Italia (Italy) producers were trying to reduce the explosive or invasive aromas in their piscos without sacrificing quality, by attenuating them & achieving more subtle, elegant, and balanced aromas. I'm fascinated by pisco Italia with strong aromas; I pour a glass and smell it throughout the meeting. The conclusion isn't about what I like, but about the market. It's the consumer who tells us where to go. Sure that good times are coming for pisco. Let's keep moving forward. Cheers! Always with responsibility.

Til next time! 

By Livio Pastorino Wagner Sommelier, Specialist, and Pisco Taster Registration: CRDO-PISCO 2020 RCO-034-2011

Cocktail Magazine No. 53, june 02, 2022.

Cocktail magazine (spanish) in issuu

Pisco & music

June 2022.

Where pisco is the only protagonist!
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