“Exercise in Transparency and Quality"
Placeres Magazine, edition No 08, grateful for the opportunity.
Recently, we were in Nazca, invited to participate as tasting judges at the 22nd National Pisco Producers Meeting: 2024 Pisco Competition.
2024 Pisco Competition. This year, we evaluated 125 samples, and I had the responsibility of leading the tasting at Table No. 1, where we worked with 33 samples of Quebranta, Moscatel, and Albilla piscos. The organization of the event was excellent, as it has been in all the years I've participated.
I am going to conduct a brief self-assessment regarding the scores I assigned to the piscos that won gold medals in this competition. Tasting is always conducted from the least aromatic to the most aromatic. Let’s start with the pure Quebranta piscos. Of the 22 Quebranta pisco samples evaluated by my table, six received gold medals. The overall scores were: sample 1 - Code Q-15, 88.50; 2 - Code Q-16, 88.50; 3 - Code Q-18, 87.00; 4 - Code Q-22, 86.50; 5 - Code Q-11, 86.50; and 6 - Code Q-09, 86.00. With the sample codes, the judge, as a taster, can compare them with their own scores. These were the scores I assigned to the Quebranta piscos: sample 1 - Code Q-15, 89.00; 2 - Code Q-16, 89.00; 3 - Code Q-18, 85.00; 4 - Code Q-22, 87.00; 5 - Code Q-11, 86.00; and 6 - Code Q-09, 86.00.
As you can see from my evaluation, all the samples to which I assigned the highest scores won medals with minimal differences, except for sample No. 3, where the difference was more than two points. However,
according to the International Organization of Vine and Wine (OIV) standards, which we follow, with the 85 points obtained, that sample also deserved a gold medal.
O.I.V. Appreciation Scheme 2022
100-point scale:
Great Gold: at least 92 points -
Gold: at least 85 points
Silver: at least 82 points
Bronze: at least 80 points
The following samples were four pure Albilla piscos. Only one received a gold medal: sample Code No. A02, 88.00 points. According to the same code, I also scored it with 88.00 points.
The last seven samples were pure Moscatel piscos, of which three received gold medals: sample 1 - Code MOS01, 88.50 points; 2 - Code MOS05, 86.50 points; 3 - Code MOS06, 86.00 points. In this case, my scores were as follows: sample 1 - Code MOS01, 89.00 points; 2 - Code MOS05, 87.00 points; 3 - Code MOS06, 88.00 points.
As you can see, my evaluation was very close to the overall
This exercise demonstrates the importance of having the codes for the medal-winning samples. Not only does it allow us, as judges and tasters, to self-evaluate, but it also makes the joint work of everyone involved in pisco competitions more transparent. Finally, it also serves for oversight. Pisco is our national drink, a Cultural Heritage of the Nation.
We know that the OIV's rules for spirituous beverage competitions do not require organizers to include the codes of the winning samples in the final results. This does not mean it is prohibited to do so. Let’s not forget that each of the judges participating in
these events is required to include their name and signature on the tasting sheets where they assigned their scores. In my opinion, having the codes is a matter of transparency. It also gives the recognition these pisco competitions deserve, held
in the land of pisco. Enjoy it responsibly.
By Livio Pastorino Wagner
Sommelier, Specialist, and Pisco Taster
Registration: CRDO-PISCO 2020 RCO-034-2011
Placeres Magazine, No. 08 octubre 07 del 2024
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