In the land of pisco.... same message
Reading on social networks and especially on Facebook there is a group called Amigos de la Denomination of Origin Pisco, "Amigos..." I went to the dictionary to look up the definition of friends or friendship: "Personal, pure and disinterested affection, shared with another person, which is born and strengthened in the treatment". Very important, it is born and strengthened in the treatment, because the treatment with friends is of reciprocity, they do not question or criticize each other publicly, but on the contrary. When something does not seem right to us, we speak directly to our friend without witnesses. In the case of this Facebook group I think we could do the same, since social networks give us alternatives through the direct message tray better known as Inbox. Let's not harm the pisco that is not elitist, nor classist and in its elaboration participate all the races of Peru, let's take then the same message as always.
In this regard I want to tell you something that happened to me some time ago. I was in a restaurant in Europe, don't remember why mentioned the word Pisco! As soon as I finished, one of the employees approached me: "Peruvian?" It is enough to pronounce:pisco. And meet a Peruvian, no matter what part of Peru he is from, pisco had introduced us, let's rescue that.
Before, the national pisco contest in July this year, all those who had something against the Regulatory Council of the Designation of Origin Pisco, dedicated themselves to ranting through social networks of its president, as if that would solve their frustrations and thus tarnish the honor. of others, trying to damage the pisco; it even touched us tasters. Then I felt like in the Roman coliseum, sometimes in the spectator's tribune, sometimes in the arena as a lion and sometimes as a gladiator or a prey. I read countless criticisms, many of them unfounded, and some even repeated the criticisms of others to give the impression of being well informed, although they clarified in their texts the source: "well, I didn't say that, so-and-so says so-and-so...". No, every time there is a pisco event that we should all support, we shoot ourselves in the foot.
We have to seek consensus, separating our personal interests and give the same message.
If we have something to say and/or contribute for the good of pisco we can do it through the regular channels that the Regulatory Council of the Pisco Denomination of Origin, has, either website, Facebook, email or in the same office at Av. Miraflores. Benavides 2426 Of. 203 Telf. 266-4626, let's try to be proactive.
Another minefield are presentations, whether they are guided tastings, talks or trainings.. In one of them, one of the participants asked if uvina was a pisco grape, how? of course, there is no doubt about it, it is a pisco grape, I replied. Then said, had been in another pisco event and heard that Uvina was not a pisco grape, because it was a hybrid. Wasn't the Colombard grape used to make cognac a hybrid? Where did they get this misinformation from? Nor did the speaker know, according to my informant, that the uvina can only be planted to produce pisco in three districts of Cañete (South Lima 138 km): Lunahuana, Pacarán and Zúñiga. That's why we have to agree, what we want to transmit, the same message, or do we want to entangle, allowing ourselves to be dragged by petty interests or by the desire to appear. Let us remember that many Peruvians don't know what pisco is, there is very little diffusion, it's easy to give an erroneous message that remains in time for several days or months before being rectified and changed, we have a lot to do with the subject. It is urgent to start by reaching an agreement to spread... I repeat... the same message. We can no longer remain silent. Take care, drink responsibly..
By Livio Pastorino Wagner
Sommelier, Specialist, and Pisco Taster
Registration: CRDO-PISCO 2020 RCO-034-2011
Pisco & music
Cocktail Magazine No 05
Cocktail magazine (spanish) in issuu
November 2015
Recent posts
- The Art of Communicating and Tasting Pisco
- Pisco in the glass: Art, technique and passion
- The Art of Pisco
- Versatility and Flavor in Every Drop
- The Legacy of Pisco: Discoveries, Challenges, and Opportunities
- The Value of OIV-Sponsored Competitions
- “Exercise in Transparency and Quality"
- Celebrating Pisco: History, Culture, and Tradition
- First Sample Syndrome
- New Testimonies About Pisco