First Sample Syndrome
Placeres Magazine, edición No 06, agradeciendo por la oportunidad.
I am sure that all tasters in pisco competitions often experience the first sample syndrome. This sample is taken at random, not necessarily following the numerical correlation, and suffers the consequences of the question: Will it be the best sample of the day? At the beginning of the event, various situations beyond our control can occur, leading to lapses in concentration. Mood, any noise, or conversations around us can distract us. This happens in other professions as well.
There are factors that influence the tasters, sometimes beyond their control. However, as the tasting progresses, we start to warm up, and just like in a sports competition, we get into a steady rhythm. Therefore, it is recommended to warm up your nose and mouth before starting the tasting work. What does this mean? Pour a glass of pisco, preferably a Quebranta, before starting the work.
Other situations occur during the tasting: when least expected, the person in charge of serving the samples does so as if they were serving water. The pisco falls into the glass with great force, creating bubbles that disappear. "No, please!" I tell them. "When you pour, do it slowly, with care, because the pisco needs to rest in the glass before starting its evaluation." By moving or shaking it, all the aromatic components collide, preventing us from discerning aromas and flavors. Therefore, it is important to avoid sudden movements. Ideally, work at a temperature of 16º to 18º, maximum 19ºC. We have conducted tastings with piscos at 12ºC, letting them rest until they reach 16ºC. Working at room temperature is effective.
Tastings in competitions should be conducted in enclosed environments, without noise or strange odors, equipped with a table and chair for each taster, an impeccable white tablecloth, a plate with water crackers or unsalted bread, a bottle of water, a spittoon, a white napkin, a pen, and a tasting note for each one. These are the essential tools to do a professional job.
They present the first glass of the morning (the best time to taste is from 10:30 to 12:00 pm, before lunch). One observes the glass with the distilled spirit. First, the sight: what does it offer us? Transparency, brightness, and cleanliness without suspended particles. There is no pisco in the world that is not transparent, clean, and bright. Then we bring it to the nose to perceive the first olfaction. It is at this moment when the taster, prepared in what are the varieties, pisco grapes, descriptors, and tasting methodology, begins their work. "I find defects, the alcohol is very high, there is a sting in the nose, aggression, unpleasant or pleasant smells, bitter, sweet, acidic, etc." It is determined whether there are primary aromas (product of the fruit), secondary (product of fermentation), and tertiary (product of aging). Is it balanced? Is it typical of the grape variety indicated?
On the tasting sheet, if the taster wishes, they can note any observations about the pisco they are evaluating. We proceed to give the corresponding score. After this phase, an exchange of opinions takes place. If any judge is out of range, they can decide to keep their score or change it to be within the parameters of the majority of the panel. Subsequently, the tasting notes are collected. The tasters keep their scores with the sample codes on a separate sheet for verification and measurement. With this, we receive the next sample to start the evaluation again. Enjoy pisco responsibly.
By Livio Pastorino Wagner
Sommelier, Specialist, and Pisco Taster
Registration: CRDO-PISCO 2020 RCO-034-2011
Placeres Magazine, Issue No. 06, Grateful for the Opportunity
Pisco & music
August 05
Where pisco is the only protagonist!
#lapiscoteca #piscosour #winelover #pasionporlacata #bar #elpiscoesdelperu #vino #vinosdelperu #pisco #piscolover #Lima #Peru #Tacna #Ica #Arequipa #Moquegua @Piscorevista @elpiscoesdlperu @elmagozurdo @aspercat1 #piscopunch #piscosour #piscotonic #capitan #chilcanodepisco #Ica
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