Livio Pastorino

Homologation of Tasting Judges, Pisco, Olive Oil

According to the International Olive Council "IOC," the three categories of olive oil are Extra Virgin, Virgin, and Lampante. Something that catches my attention is that for an oil to be considered Extra Virgin, it must not have any defects. […]

Tasting Piscos

It was a pleasure to take part in a pisco tasting event for export by a relatively new company, "Tierra del Pisco", led by Sebastián Tuesta, a Franco-Peruvian who is exporting high-quality pisco to Europe. [...]

Savouring Pisco

Livio Pastorino-catas-charlas

They always say that Pisco is meant to be savored sip by sip, by kisses. There are beautiful stories about this national spirit. One of my favorites is about a president of Peru in the 1920s who would have a glass of Pisco every day after lunch, taking 40 minutes to finish it. [...]