Livio Pastorino

In the land of Pisco... The aguapié

Some time ago we were on a trip with the tasters group of Noches de Cata to several Pisco regions, but the big surprise happened in Moquegua. We had been asked to do a guided tasting at the Moquegua Club that's is in main square. […]

Talking about pisco

In a conversation with several master distillers, discussing different topics and at one point we asked if we should have a pisco type within the regulations between the wineries with more production, […]

Do Piscos improve over time?

On March 15, 16 and 17 we were at the vertical tasting of Piscos convened by Eng. Juan Carlos Palma at the La Molina Agrarian University. It is the first time that work like this is carried out: samples were presented to us from 2003 to 2013, from the 5 pisco regions. […]

Pisco Contests

On the occasion of the Pisco and Wine Contest in the district of Santiago, Ica, (located at 316.8 km South Lima), the tasters gather beforehand to share breakfast every year, kindly invited by Engineer Juan Mendiola Huayamares, who, along with the Municipality of Santiago, organizes these contests now in their eighteenth edition. […]