First Sample Syndrome

I am sure that all tasters in pisco competitions often experience the first sample syndrome. This sample is taken at random, not necessarily following the numerical correlation, […]
New Testimonies About Pisco

An excellent piece of news we received in May was the discovery of two documents by archivist Julio Hernández of the National Archives, […]
Beyond the Scores

We have resumed the blind tastings of Tasting Nights with Pisco belonging to the Peruvian Association of Tasters (ASPERCAT). Since 2008, we have conducted this activity, with over 1000 piscos tasted to date, and we are nearing […]
Following the Footsteps of Pisco

Every time I read "Artisanal Pisco" on a label, I'm transported back to the moment when I participated in the Vendimia festival. We were about to harvest our first Pisco grapes grown in the Villacuri valley 40 km before Ica city. […]
Adding value to Pisco

After learning that the average price of Pisco abroad is US$ 7.50 per liter, I can affirm that it is below the quality offered by our flagship distilled spirit. […]
Tasting in Nazca

I participated in the XX Meeting of Producers and Pisco Nazca 2022 Contest. Since 2011, I have been a taster at the event organized by Mr. Alan Watkin. […]
Something about the D.O. Pisco

While talking to my friends, they asked me about the Denomination of Origin (D.O.) Pisco, and I reminded them the definition of Denomination of Origin: […]
Pisquero's Talk at Zoom

A few days ago, I was on a Zoom call with some friends who are also pisco enthusiasts. We discussed how the pandemic has affected pisco producers and what suggestions we could offer to improve the consumption of our National Cultural Heritage distilled beverage. […]
Pisco and its Contests "Pisco Sour"

Another activity during the celebration of our flag cocktail on the first Saturday of February are the contests, in which I have had the honor to participate as a judge. Several aspects are judged in these events: […]
Contests: Codes & Results

Some time ago, I was at a coordination meeting for judges at a National Pisco Contest, with the presence of the president, the tasting director, and the observer from the International Organization of Vine and Wine (OIV), of which Peru is a member. I asked the observer a question: […]