some clarifications about tasters
One of the outstanding issues is that of Tasters. Since I started participating in Pisco tasting competitions in 2009, the only time we had a record of experts & newers Pisco tasters (correct me if I'm wrong) was when we were integrated into the Regulatory Council of the Pisco Appelation of Origin "CRDO-Pisco". We were also issued a registration and renewal certificate, which in my case is valid until February 2020, but not all tasters requested this renewal.
Once the CRDO-Pisco stopped operating as such, around 2015, tasters joined the National Pisco Commission "Conapisco". At that time, there were two associations of Tasters (the third one was incorporated in 2016). As I explained in another article, Taster Associations are not recognized by Conapisco, nor were they recognized at the time by CRDO-Pisco. Tasters are independent in registration & can participate in all three associations if it suits them, but before the authorities, we are one. That's why in the association I preside over, "ASPERCAT", our mission is to train Pisco tasters, evaluate them, keep them practicing tasting, support them in their registration with Conapisco, demonstrating professionalism, efficiency, continuity, and at the same time, confirming their practice hours, as the Boy Scouts would say, "to always be ready!" Our mission is to be there when required.
However, we're missing a regulation for tasters. Currently, tasters are governed by the *National Pisco Contest Regulations, which include us in Article 36 "About Tasting and Tasters".
In addition to the requirements of the contest regulations, interested parties must present the documents that certify their training to be named initially as an newer Taster and then become an expert Taster.
This is correct, what we lack is a Taster Regulation. We must include Article No. 36 as part of the regulation, adding other important points, such as: If we want to belong to the newer Taster group to later be considered an expert Taster, where and to whom do we go? Who's responsible for appointing expert Tasters? Who can participate in the district and regional contests held during the year? Note that, in the latter case, it's important to emphasize that the composition of the tasting tables will be subject to the number of samples presented in each contest.
According to what criteria is the president of the contest or the tasting director chosen? Who evaluates the expert and newer tasters, and how? The National Quality Institute "Inacal" has a standard for the training, selection, and supervision of tasters NTP-ISO 8586:2014, which should be taken into account.
Likewise, acts of indiscipline, according to the contest regulations: *Article 43°
-Indiscipline during the contest is resolved by the First Instance Tasting Director.
-The Contest President Second Instance
-If necessary, Conapisco (arbitration)
We would need to include sanctions for tasters who violate the regulations. All of this makes it necessary to form a group with the participation of the three taster associations & Conapisco to develop the Tasters Regulation.
In conclusion, Pisco always brings us new challenges, challenges & of course, enjoyable moments. Let's move forward. Always responsibly.
Til next time!
By Livio Pastorino Wagner
Sommelier, Specialist, and Pisco Taster
Registration: CRDO-PISCO 2020 RCO-034-2011
Pisco & music
Cocktail Magazine No. 23 august 09, 2019
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August 2019
Where pisco is the only protagonist!
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